Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Completion, 21k to the top

On Oct 9th, at 7am...
  • 21.6 km from the John Muir Parking Lot to the Blantyre end of section spot.
  • 21.6 km in 2:20:58 = 6:31 / km
  • Total elevation gain = 252 Meters
  • Started in the rain, very dark out still, clouds did not help.
  • Used a headlamp, on and off for the first 1.5 hrs as there were quite a few of closed canopy areas. 
Looking East towards the sunrise and the edge of the Craigleith corner of the escarpment
  • Fresh leaf litter blown down over night made the trail difficult to follow as the forest floor was uniformly covered and no hikers had began to wear a path.
  • Rained nearly the whole time. Lots of slippery rocks and fresh leaves. 
Precise footing x knowing your traction x keeping your desired pace = These are really fun to run.
  • Original plan was to do a there and back, but found a slightly quicker way via road, but I felt really good the whole time. 
  • My nutrition was dead on, used Tailwind for the first time. I liked it. Will be using it again. 

  • Body felt good, hydration perfect. If anything I packed too much water.
  • Shoes were good, a bit slippery in spots, couldn't completely trust my footing but that is a tall order considering the terrain.

  • This section of trail offers some great hills. It's the last spot within the Beaver Valley section where you get a true taste of what the valley has to offer. I made the following two segments to help show this.

  • "Down Town" segment - 3.0 km, 158 Meters in Elevation Drop at average of -5% gradient 

  • "Bat Outta Hell" segment - 2.0 km, 105 Meters in Elevation Gain at average of +5% gradient 
  • Took a shortcut back to the car, where it finally stopped raining and the clouds began to let some sun through.