Blue Mountain Bruce Trail - End to end

  • On August 28th at 9am, Ken and I set out to complete SB end to end of the Blue Mountain section of the Bruce Trail.
  • We started with Nick, who turned around at Pretty River.
  • We were then joined by Ironhard at the 35k mark who ran with us the rest of the way. He also happen to supply us with some tasty butter tarts and coffee.
  • I unfortunately had "auto pause" turned on in my Strava settings which really messed up the final readings. I'll go by Ken's readings which were far more accurate from his Suunto.
  • Distance 69.3km
  • Time 8:22 (I was ten minutes slower than he was, 8:32)
  • Pace 7:14/km (7:23/km)
  • Elevation 1,605 Meters

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